Six Steps Of Building A Minimum Viable Product (MVP)


What Is An MVP

An MVP, or minimum viable product, is a trimmed-down version of a “new” product designed to target early adopters and offer insightful feedback for subsequent iterations.


Building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is an essential step in obtaining insightful customer input and validating your business idea. Before making a significant investment in development, an MVP enables you to test your idea with limited resources, assisting in the understanding of user needs and the improvement of your product. We’ll delve into the key components of building an MVP and outline the prerequisites for a productive development process in this article.


1. Perform Market Analysis

For an MVP to be effective, it is essential to understand your target market. To differentiate your product/service, identify your competitors, evaluate their advantages and disadvantages, and do in-depth market research. Your feature set and product’s unique selling point (USP) will be improved at this point.


2. Set Your Objectives and Vision

It’s critical to establish your MVP’s vision and goals before beginning development. Define your target market, describe the problem your product seeks to answer, and set up key performance indicators (KPIs) to gauge its effectiveness. The development process will be guided by this clarity, which will also keep you concentrated on providing value.


3. Determine Key Elements

Once you have a clear vision and insights into the market, determine the essential elements that will help your users with their main problems. Sort features into priority lists according to how they will affect the problem’s resolution and how quickly they can be developed. Your MVP should be built around these specifications.


4. Wireframes

Develop a user flow that describes the stages a user will take within your product to map out the user journey. Create wireframes to see how important screens will interact and be laid up. This procedure guarantees that the MVP’s design is in line with your vision and aids in the improvement of the user experience (UX).


5. Technical Specification

A thorough technical definition outlining the architecture, technologies, and frameworks to be used should be given to your development team. Data models, APIs, and any necessary third-party integrations should all be clearly defined. Technical specifications that are well enumerated tend to expedite the development process and reduce ambiguity.


6. Test & Re-Test 

To get input on the user interface and overall experience, test the usability of the product with actual people. Based on the knowledge gathered from testing, iterate.


Types Of MVPs

  1. Landing page MVP
  2. The Fake Door
  3. Demo video MVP
  4. Single Feature MVP
  5. Concierge MVP
  6. Piecemeal MVP


Developing an MVP is a calculated approach to product development that helps entrepreneurs reduce risks and validate concepts. You may provide the groundwork for a successful MVP launch by outlining your goals, carrying out in-depth market research, identifying key features, creating wireframes and user flows, drafting a technical specification, giving scalability first priority, and carrying out extensive testing. Remember that the secret to a successful MVP isn’t just in its creation but also in the continuous iteration that follows, which produces a polished and ready-for-market product based on user feedback.


Symatech Labs is a Software Development company based in Nairobi, Kenya that specializes in Software Development, Mobile App Development, Web Application Development, Integrations, USSD and Consultancy.